SHIPS: Types - Multi Role - Hauler - #00051

The 'pregnant tick' is a hidden gem!

New cmdrs tend to buy a hauler for its... hauling capacity. It's usually sold after a short time for something with even more capacity if one goes the trader life's way or for something with more than that measly small weapon hardpoint if living the 'dangerous' space life.

It is soon forgotten as this 'small crappy slow thing of a freighter' by most, but the Hauler has some important features that make it quite attractive to low experience cmdrs looking for sources of high income and more experienced cmdrs as an easily available personal shutter or a disposable explorer. Read on...

For beginners looking for an upgrade from their Sidewinders, here's a short list of differences in freight performance. An all-cargo equipped Hauler without shields (for maximum cargo capacity) can...

... haul 26 tons (Sidewinder: 16 tons). That's roughly 60% more revenue in freight and a lot more missions available

... jump 15.2 light years in one hop (Sidewinder: 15.8 ly). On the given distance this doesn't make a difference.

In other words: Considering a 9500 credits per ton per loop trader route with 25 ly of distance:

Sidewinder: Needs 2+ jumps per loop, which results in a maximum of 3 loops per hour (while sipping a lavian brandy).
16 tons x 3 loops = 48 tons of freight per hour x 9500 cr = 456.000 credits per hour.

Hauler: Needs 2+ jump per loop, which results in a maximum of 3 loops per hour (still that lavian brandy...)
26 tons x 3 loops = 78 tons of freight per hour x 9500 cr = 741.000 credits per hour.

Using a well equipped Hauler instead of a Sidewinder will provide a boost to your income around the 300.000 credits mark, per hour!
This is an improvement of about 60% more income per hour.

A beginner's Hauler for freight purposes costs around 300.000 credits (Amortisation reached after roughly 1 hour) and should be built this way:

Core Modules:
- Reinforced Bulkhead
(provides around 252 MJ of hull protection which is more than the Sidewinder's standard 50 MJ in shields and around 100 MJ in hull)

- 2A Frame Shift Drive (range)

- All the other core modules in "D" quality of largest size (number) available

... read more on page 2